2004 >> November >> Persistence Pays  

Persistence Pays
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", November 2004, page 12

Kathy Kline and husband, Ken, went insulator hunting on their wedding anniversary. They went out to cover ground above a old power house in Northern California where Ken and some of his friends had hunted before. There was a difference this time. A forest fire had burned through the area, revealing quite a number of insulators missed previously because of heavy brush and poison oak. While most of the insulators had fractured because of the fire, Kathy notice a small amount of aqua glass barely showing on the surface.

She started digging around the bit of glass, and the more she dug, the bigger the object became. It took a while, but in the end Kathy recovered a CD 283 # 1 Provo.

Who should we congratulate more: Kathy for finding the insulator; or Ken for getting his wife to go insulator hunting on their anniversary?

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